Dappled - light through tree canopy

Image Description

Dappled sunlight shining through bright green tree foliage. An original watercolor nature painting by contemporary impressionist Talya Johnson featured on your favorite artistic decor accessories and fine art prints.

Behind the Canvas

I just found this miniature watercolor painting while mucking out my studio! I painted it last spring, experimenting and enjoying this new and foreign medium. The reference is from a photo I took while wandering Longwood Gardens in PA--such an amazing place!!

I'm absolutely bananas about trees and dappled light! Is there any combination more lovely or colorful? I feel so protected while in under a canopy of fresh spring growth! The light dances and bounces illuminating the entire color spectrum.

Transport yourself to the peace and tranquility of the shade of a tree, with the glorious sun sparkling beneath and through the lush foliage. This painting has so many abstract qualities that it is marvelous enlarged and viewed up close and personal. ~Tali